Nexpose Certified Administrator: Introduction to Nexpose
What is it?
Are you a security professional that doesn’t quite know where to begin getting an understanding of what kind of devices are in your environment, or how vulnerable some of them may be? Are you looking to deploy new vulnerability management software for your organization or just personal use? This two-day interactive class, led by a Rapid7 Security Consultant, will walk you through some basic to intermediate product features, best security practices, and techniques for vulnerability scanning various devices within a typical network environment.
The classroom or virtual class, which is hosted on a Rapid7 lab and delivered remotely, culminates in several exercises where users can apply learning in a fun, yet educational, simulation against multiple scenario driven target environments.
Customers who participate in Training on-site will experience hands-on opportunities to apply learned skills in a fun, yet educational, scenario in their own environment. The end result will be a strong understanding of Nexpose and how to use it to address your own network security goals.
All participants will have access to the Nexpose Certified Administrator Exam as part of their training program. Leverage the knowledge gained as part of the class to become a certified specialist and stand out from the crowd!